TAPNET Eligibility
In order to participate in the program, you must be a Licensed Chemical Dependency Counselors (LCDC), Licensed Chemical Dependency Counselor Intern (LCDC-CI), or hold a TCB Certification (AAC, ADC, CPS, CCJP, CCGC, CCS, CCDS).
Students working in or pursuing a career in chemical dependency counseling may also be eligible.
Eligibility includes those who self-refer or are referred through other avenues and are determined to be impaired and needing assistance. The diagnoses that will be accepted shall include DSM-IV TR mental health and substance abuse or dependence criteria.
The TAPNET program maintains confidentiality consistent with state and federal laws.
Participation in TAPNET is voluntary.
TAPNET Services
TAPNET monitor's a participant's recovery via their compliance with treatment recommendations, return to work restrictions, attendance at self-help meetings, and random drug tests. Each participant will be assigned to a case manager/advocate to help them through the process.
Program participants are responsible for the costs of treatment and drug screens, in addition to an enrollment fee.
Participants who fail to comply with all TAPNET requirements may be reported to DSHS and/or TCB.
TAPNET will assist participants by outlining facilities for evaluation and referral; encouraging and supporting the individual to enter treatment as necessary, monitoring participants' rehabilitation and re-entry to the workplace.